Roadway Closed to pedestrians

Creation 2011
A play for two Actors-Mimes a Musician and a Sidewalk

Two actors-mimes, a trumpeter and a sidewalk.. Macadâmes talks about the absurdity of some rules and values trought a "gutter society" made up for the occasion. The difficulty to sharing, exclusion, marginality and love are the heart of this show. Between clowning, mime, dance, acrobatics and music, this story without word will take you on an absurd, poetic and funny world.

Corporal Writing and interpretation: Lilou Des Bois, Clément Chaboche
Music creation and with: François Guillemette, Trumpet or Julien Stella, Clarinet 
Light Design: François-Pierre Couture
Costumes creation : Eva Lochon
Constructions: Chez Gertrud and Nicolas Roth

Street Version: Walkabout + On the Spot - For Everyone (from 4 years) - 50 min - 

Indoor Version : 55min

Supports: Nil Obstrat, Animakt, Collectif Kytach, Cirque Rouages, Asso Culture et Hôpital, Chapiteau Méli-Mélo

Indoor Version:
Presentation File
Street Version:
Presentation file

Video Street version:

Indoor Version extract:

Indoor Version 13min:

Extraits de Chaussée Interdite aux piétons à Albuquerque, Nouveau Mexique, Janvier 2012

Photos  Street Version

Mimos 2009 photos: Nicolas Roth-PhotoCos